Find A Ski Area
After 29 years in business, we know the ins and outs of providing quality outdoor gear and clothing. With our ideal location, nestled at the foot of the Beartooth Mountains, we can serve the fine people of South-Central Montana and surrounding areas to the best of our abilities!
With 85 kilometers of carefully maintained woodland trails over phenomenal mountain terrain, it’s no wonder Lone Mountain Ranch has been voted Cross Country Skier magazine’s #1 Nordic ski destination in North America. Our knowledgeable guides, dependable snow and wide range of trails offers something for beginners, experts, leisurely explorers and hardcore athletes.
Operated under a special permit with Custer Gallatin National Forest.
Crosscut Mountain Sports Center is a year-round mountain hub providing human-powered recreation, sports training, and outdoor education for all ages, abilities, identities, and backgrounds.
Located just 17 miles north of Bozeman in the heart of the Bridger Range, Crosscut sits on 500+ acres adjacent to Bridger Bowl and the Custer Gallatin National Forest. From Nordic skiing and snowshoeing to biking and hiking, we love helping folks enjoy the outdoors in every season.
Bridger Ski Foundation
The Bozeman way: trail passes are voluntary on the 70k of Community Nordic Trails. Buy a pass or make a donation to keep the trails groomed.
All BSF grooming and maintenance is funded through donations, trail passes, and grants.
Where Gold Medal grooming and Reliable Snow come together to create a Nordic skier’s dream. Easily accessible from the town of West Yellowstone, Montana, the Rendezvous Ski Trails consist of over 35 kilometers of gently rolling, beautifully groomed trails that wind through tall stands of lodgepole pine and open meadows. The trail system is located entirely on U.S. Forest Service land and it is managed through a cooperative partnership between the Forest Service, the West Yellowstone Chamber of Commerce and the West Yellowstone Ski Education Foundation (WYSEF). We hope that you will visit West Yellowstone and ski the Rendezvous Ski Trails soon!
Glacier Nordic Club, Inc. (GNC) is is a 501(c)3 nonprofit. Since it was established in 1984, GNC strives to promote and inspire a life-long love of cross country skiing for anyone who skis on our trails. It seems like we’ve stayed on course with that mission. Parents who pulled their kids in sleds on the ski trails are now watching those kids compete in area races. Ski team members go on to compete in college Nordic programs. And our volunteers come out and support us year after year.
BRTA promotes non-motorized winter recreation and transportation activities by leasing and operating the Red Lodge Nordic Center, located 2 miles west of Red Lodge off Highway 78. We’ve laid out over 15K of groomed trails to take advantage of the inspiring views and easy-going nature of the terrain. With a warming hut and restroom, this is a great place for families to get out and have some affordable fun!
Children's programs and ski clinics offered throughout the winter season. Touring skiers might want to kick it up a notch and learn skate skiing, a great exercise to maintain your fitness level through winter. The prepared tracks for classic skiing and the skating lanes allow you to go as fast as your athleticism allows.
BRTA maintains the West Fork Road, a multi-use trail. West Fork is groomed on a weekly basis from Wild Bill Lake to Cascade Campground. We ask that all users use the appropriate lanes for recreation: skate ski, classic Nordic ski, fat bike, snow shoe, hiking, dog walking and some snowmobile use.
Freeheel and Wheel is your trailhead to adventure. We specialize in bicycling, cross country skiing, and offer the latest in fashions and accessories. We are located 1/2 block from the West Entrance to Yellowstone National Park. Come in and have a seat at our espresso bar and let us help you plan your next outdoor adventure. Welcome to your home away from home!
Rolling terrain framed by large granite outcrops amidst our private valley are all hallmarks of skiing at Homestake Lodge. The 35+ kilometers of trails at Homestake Lodge are kept narrow to provide skiers an intimate experience with nature. They are just wide enough for our state of the art Pisten Bully Paana grooming equipment to do its job. Most trails are set with a classic track and a skate lane. Some of our trails are just six feet wide and these are groomed with a snow machine and Ginzu groomer with track pan. You’ll love these narrow trails while you explore the more remote areas of our valley. If you want Majestic mountain views ski up the pass where the Tobacco Root Mountains will greet you with their snowy peaks.
The Silver Crest Trails are located on the Lewis and Clark National Forest in the Little Belt Mountains, just north of Kings Hill Pass, 6.5 miles south Neihart, MT. There are approximately 12 miles (20km) of groomed Nordic ski trails and 2 miles of separate ungroomed snowshoe trails. See our trail map page for more information about the trails.
The turn-off to the parking lot is marked by a sign indicating “USFS Winter Recreation Area”. Turn there, then follow the nordic ski signs to the parking lot. The parking lot is equipped with a latrine.
Montana's Yellowstone Country is truly a Nordic skier's paradise. The region is criss-crossed by thousands of miles/kilometers of skiable terrain, much of which has established trails. Venues with well developed cross-country skiing trails include West Yellowstone's Rendezvous Ski Trail area, Bozeman's Crosscut Mountain Sports Center, Big Sky's Lone Mountain Ranch, and Red Lodge's Nordic Center are just a handful of the great Nordic trail options around Yellowstone Country Montana. In the winter, Nordic skiing in Yellowstone National Park is one of the best ways to experience the wonder that is Yellowstone in the colder months. Guided cross-country skiing tours in Yellowstone help you navigate the expansive terrain of the park and is a safe way to take in many of the harder-to-reach locations.
Dog Creek maintains over 27 kilometers of groomed nordic trails during the winter season, usually mid December through March 31. Our nordic trail system is unique in that it exists both on our own private land as well as on Stillwater State Forest land. Stillwater State Forest is part of the Montana Department of Natural Resources (DNRC). The DNRC holds all of its land in a trust which generates revenue for the Montana public school system. A portion of every trail pass we sell goes directly to Montana public schools.
All of our trails at Dog Creek are dog friendly. All dog owners must sign a waiver and review our policies at the ski shop before taking your dogs onto the trail systems
We groom about fourteen kilometers of trails on MacDonald Pass; these trails unfold just east of the Continental Divide, about fifteen miles west of Helena. When we’re able to do so, we also groom about four kilometers of track on the in-town Bill Roberts Golf Course. We groom Mac Pass and the Golf Course, when snow-depth permits, for both classic and skate skiing. Skiers of all abilities are welcome on either trail, and skiing is free. To defray grooming and other expenses the Club welcomes skiers to become a Last Chance Nordic Ski Club member or make donations. There’s a lot of work done year-around, behind the scenes, to make the MacDonald Pass trails and the Golf Course tracks skiable. Besides grooming four to six days a week, there are snow-machines, rollers, and ginzu’s that need to be purchased and maintained; trails to be kept free of trees, branches, stones, and grass; signs to be erected; maps to be updated; this website to be maintained; restrooms to be maintained and cleaned; grants to be sought and procured; parking lots to be plowed out; and many other large and small but vital tasks. About half the grooming is paid, all other work is done by club members volunteering. Four or so Saturdays a year, our Youth Skiers program provides kids, ages three to twelve, with a couple hours of fun on the snow alongside volunteer instructors and parents while they improve their cross country skiing skills. A weekly Master Skiers program, open to all skiers of all abilities, brings continuing cross country ski education to the eighteen-plus years-old set.
The Seeley Creek Nordic Trail system is undoubtedly the best-kept Nordic secret in the Rockies. An unbeatable combination of reliable snow, trail layout and a consistent grooming schedule makes the Seeley Creek Ski Trails one of the premier Nordic trail systems in the region.
This is not a private resort. Rather it is an outstanding trail system adjacent to a small town. Overnight accommodations and various eateries are available in the town of Seeley Lake.
Boasting a variety of terrain appealing to all levels of skiers from rank beginners to expert racers, the Seeley Creek Nordic Trails are situated on Lolo National Forest and maintained under a cooperative agreement between the Seeley Lake Nordic Ski Club and the Lolo National Forest. No user fees are charged but donations are encouraged and may be left in the “metal ranger” at the trail head or mailed to the Nordic club. All donations go directly towards maintenance and grooming of the trail system.
The club also hosts events including races, skate and classic clinics for beginning and intermediate skiers, and works cooperatively with Seeley Lake Elementary to sponsor the youth ski program. Three major races are held each year: Seeley Lake Elementary Outside Skiesta, Seeley Lake Challenge Biathlon and our signature event, the legendary OSCR 50k.
Explore the winter wonderland at Gallatin River Lodge, open to both the public and lodge guests! Embrace the thrill of cross-country skiing on our 3 KM course winding around the lodge grounds. The groomed trail caters to both Classic and Skate XC skiing styles, offering two diverse loop options.
Course access is $8/day, skiers are encouraged to come in the afternoon and take advantage of the on site restaurants Happy Hour which starts at 4pm daily.
Public access is 9am-5:30pm, 7 days a week.
*Only a portion of that 3km will be dog friendly
You won't have to go far to have an adventure or two or ten. Hike the over 700 miles worth of trails at Glacier or stay closer and try Essex Creek Trail. Rafting and kayaking are big in the summer, with rip roaring rapids to get your heart rate properly pumped. This is where you want to be for fishing, wildlife watching, snowboarding, mountain biking, heck there's even a zip line course through the forests of Montana. Plus, with 30 kilometers of Nordic trail skiing around the property you'll have a direct entry point to the best backcountry skiing in town.